Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Climate Change Review

Problem & solution

Global warming is an international issue that governments around the world are concerned about; simply put, it is an increase in the average temperature of earth caused mainly by the discharge of greenhouse gases. The negative effects of global warming are many, including an increase in floods, cyclones, thunderstorms; because of these climatic changes many species are becoming extinct, glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising; global warming is also causing the extinction of some species and ecological imbalance due to climatic changes.

The most commonly suggested solutions include conservation of energy, saving water sources, using wind energy and plantation of trees. Environmentalists believe that many small efforts will add to the attempt of limiting global warming. For this purpose, different sources of energy have been suggested and enviro-friendly hybrid cars and other technologies have been introduced. However, these efforts may not work unless the problem of global warming is recognized by the whole world. There seem to be two sides to this problem; on the one hand, some believe that there is no problem at all; Bjorn Lomborg, in his book, ' The Skeptical Environmentalist' believes that natural resources are not declining, food production has increased and animals are not becoming extinct on a large scale; he believes that only 0.7% of species may become extinct. He says that environmentalists are making up problems that do not exist; some skeptics even think that global warming will actually help in increasing humidity in tropical deserts. On the other hand, a large number of environmentalists believe that global warming is an increasingly dangerous threat or even the most dangerous one.

In my opinion, it is important for the world to confirm whether global warming is a problem or not. Combined efforts are important in order to limit global warming; unless it is confirmed that the phenomenon is dangerous, people will not make a sincere effort; it is necessary for the world as a whole to recognize the problem and work towards limiting it; the efforts of a few will not help much; nevertheless, they do count. I think that any effort will make at least a small difference, and it is not one person's responsibility; all citizens of the world are responsible for making the world better.


Bjorn Lomborg, "The Skeptical Environmentalist", Cambridge University press, England, 2001.
Nicholas Herbert Stern,"The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review", Nicholas, 2007.

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